Words to send you into a new year
A collection of poems, prayers, and reflections. And hope. Always hope.
Today’s post is free for everyone. If you would like to support the work I do here, I’d love to have you support this ministry at the monthly, annual, or founding member level.
I have shared a few of these writings on Instagram, but thought they needed to be on Substack, too.
I’d like to leave you with a few words I am holding onto as we enter another new year.
A collection of poems, prayers, and reflections.
And hope.
Always hope.
Look Back Before Moving Forward
A poem to close one year and begin another.
The Invitation
There is much I do not know about tomorrow or the next day,
about the world or my life or my future self,
but what I do know is there will be coffee in the morning.
There will be dogs at the park and and love in her heart.
There will be stories and jokes and moments
that put a stitch in your side because you’re laughing too hard.
There will be life and death and celebration and mourning.
Roads will end and begin and be under construction again.
There will be charcuterie boards and
dancing and sunrises and stars in the night sky.
There will be beauty and joy and hope
and answers to go along with your questions
and questions to go along with your answers.
There will be self-discoveries and realizations and complications.
There will be miracles.
There will be grace.
And there will always be an invitation to begin again.
A Prayer of Thanks
For all that was.
For all that has become.
For all that will be.
May You be praised
and may I continue to be carried.
More / Less for 2025
Write your own. Use this as a writing prompt.
Live the Life: How to 2025
Live the life. Watch the sunrise. Drink the coffee. Write the poem. Tell the story. Say the prayer. Walk the woods. Water the plants. Pet the dog. Take the photo. Send the text. Sing the song. Love the neighbor. Make the most. Fill the need. Travel the country. Cry the tears. Forgive the friend. Order the pizza. Ask the questions. Light the fire. Celebrate the good. Give the gift. Honor the grief. Be the change. Spread the love. Invite the stranger. Hold the hand. Eat the cupcake. Read the book. Do the thing. Join the stillness. Carry the fire. Watch the sunset. See the stars. Live the life.
2025 May Not Be Your Year
there will be grace / there will be hope / there will be love.
What will the new year bring?
Change. And I am learning to welcome it.
Change is coming.
And yet, God remains the same.
Change is coming.
And yet, I am loved.
Change is coming.
And yet, God continues to give me His peace.
Change is coming.
And yet, every piece of me is here to be.
Change is coming.
And yet, I know that where I am, God is too.
A Page for Another New Year
From my book, As You Go: Words for the Unknown
Spoiler Alert 🚨
A Prayer for 2025
Slow me down
to see
there is joy
all around me.
Tonight, I won’t be staying up until midnight.
I used to think it was lame if you didn’t stay up until the ball dropped, but now I know it is insane if you do. Or brave. Or maybe this just means you are fun and I am not. Either way, I’ll be in bed by 9:30. At midnight I’ll wake up to fireworks blasting over our home and that will be when I drag myself out of bed to go the bathroom, because I am 35. At 5 AM my alarm will go off and I’ll do what I always do: Make the coffee, thank God, and write.
This year will be different, but in many ways it will be the same.
I’ll continue to give what I have.
I’ll continue to dream big and chase those dreams.
I’ll continue to try and try to try.
I’ll continue to trust that the small things are the big things.
I’ll continue to fight insecurities and celebrate grace.
I’ll continue to do my best to write and speak and live honest words of love.
I’ll continue to delete spam emails and try to remember to do push-ups.
I’ll continue to believe nothing is wasted.
I’ll continue to hold fast to hope, knowing that hope is holding fast to me.
I’ll continue to thank God and thank God again and again.
I’ll continue and I hope you’ll continue, too.
I say all of this to say …
Here is to loving anyway.
Here is to hoping anyway.
Here is to continuing anyway.
Your friend,
Looking for some books to help you slow down and continue with hope this year?
Check out Walk A Little Slower and Continue.
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For more poetry and stories follow me on Instagram and Facebook.
“There will be grace.
And there will always be an invitation to begin again.”
Pretty much describes your central message. It is a needed message. Thanks
Here's to reading your posts!
Happy 2025.🦅🥂